About astrology
Astrology is not only a very old art of divination. It is assumed that the so-called "Three Wise Men" from the Orient were also astrologers and used the planetary constellation of Jupiter near Venus or a comet to find the birthplace of Jesus in Bethlehem, which can even be visualized in detail using modern programs.
Nevertheless, astrology has of course undergone changes, modifications and additions right up to the present day. For example, in addition to "pure" classical astrology, there is also the revised classical method according to Thomas Ring, the Hamburg School, which even includes eight hypothetical planets, the transneptunians, in addition to the known planets. In addition, there are a number of other factors such as sensitive (e.g. Arabic) points, asteroids etc. The Indians know the special Vedic astrology. Western astrologers also distinguish between heliocentricity and geocentricity, which are by no means mutually exclusive but complementary. The same applies to the zodiac, which can be differentiated and examined, evaluated and interpreted both sidereally and tropically.
The methods of forecasting have also increased and in some cases been refined over time.
The author Popp considers the newer division of the twelve fields (areas of life) of the horoscope according to Specht & Zanzinger according to the GOH = birthplace-house system alongside the traditional Placidus method and others as well as the modern logically plausible method of multiple directions according to Lehrieder to be ingenious and important innovations and alternatives. The forecasting methods are very diverse.
The fields of application of astrology are also extremely complex. The birth chart, the so-called radix, can be interpreted in a very detailed and psychologically sophisticated way, there are even good medical interpreters, even if astromedicine has very pluralistic approaches and should not and cannot replace a doctor, but can sometimes even recognize and demonstrably uncover misdiagnoses.
Clients are probably most interested in the diverse forecasting methods in all areas and topics of life, such as intimate and social partnerships, career and housing changes, family, to name but a few, of which there are twelve systematically theorized.
Not to be forgotten are also special areas and methods such as the selection of favorable times for certain activities (election), astrocartography, which enables "optimizations" of the basic horoscope for certain reasons such as vacation or residential location, partnership, etc.
The methods of investment and share advice are highly interesting, but also extremely demanding. Robert Hand, for example, doubled his fortune in 14 days with gold speculation using his specially written program NOVA; he communicated the program and the data on courses in Switzerland. According to reports, a large German bank successfully used the program for currency speculation and reduced the usual error rate to 30% - instead of 100%.
This brings us to the currently most interesting and newest field of application of modern astrology, the research project of Stephan Lehrieder and author Werner Popp. Lehrieder has spent decades researching how to predict lottery numbers more and more frequently. His grandson, Christoph Odendahl, is also continuing this work, publishing results and giving lectures on the subject. To complement and expand on Lehrieder's book "Astro'pur", author Popp has written a specialist book in English on Lehrieder's new multiple directions and the "state of the art" of how to conduct and further improve lottery number prediction research as an astrologer. The ultimate aim is to provide irrefutable and Nobel Prize-worthy proof that even inanimate objects such as lottery balls in a spherical glass drum are subject to the laws of astrology by publishing more and more correctly predicted winning numbers. More on this under "Books - Astrology book" and "Lotto research".