I was particularly fascinated by the fact that he created new forecasting methods between 1963 and 1969, which he called the multiple directions (multis) in five variants. I was the first to make these publicly known in 1993 in the journal MERIDIAN. Lehrieder self-published his methods in "Astro' Pur" in 1998. In it, he used all available astrological methods, including examples of his new research into predicting lottery numbers, which occupied him until the end of his life.
I was also infected by the idea. In the 1980s, I predicted from their horoscopes that a colleague and, in the 1990s, the foster mother of one of my daughters would be very lucky in the lottery and then even calculated the quarter or half year when their numbers would be drawn. However, both people did not submit their predictions on the lucky day in the specified time slot and therefore missed out on the prize. But since the numbers fell regardless of human behavior, it is logically clear to me that the numbers themselves can also be clearly determined by astrological factors.
This was also confirmed for me when I did some lottery research together with an astrology colleague in 2017 by combining our prediction numbers and mixing and matching the most likely ones with different factors. As a result, the colleague got five (out of 6) correct numbers within 4-6 weeks almost straight away.
Nevertheless, I didn't want to continue working alone or in pairs. It seemed necessary to me to work in a larger team in order to achieve better hit rates over longer periods of time. If these were published and more and more players received more and more correct numbers as a result, the minimization of the odds - possibly until the system collapsed - would make it possible to prove statistically that even inanimate matter, namely number balls in the large glass ball drum, are determined by astrology. This was also the intention of my tutor Lehrieder, which I shared, and a conceivable future positive result even seems worthy of one or two Nobel Prizes - physics and, analogously, mathematics - because that would be simply unbelievable and downright unimaginable for physicists and mathematicians/statisticians.
The year 2017 also brought me further in terms of lotto research in another way. Since 2009, I had been giving annual lectures at the only German astrology research association, the Cosmobiological Academy (KAA). In 2017, I met a guest speaker there, Bernd Westphal, who told me that he had met me in 1979 when he was about 31 years old and I had interpreted his horoscope for him in Kiel. In those five hours, he suddenly understood astrology based on my explanations, which neither a person nor a book had been able to convey to him before. Six weeks later, he was able to write astrological computer programs.
After these approx. 40 - 45 years, we made contact again from 2017 and around November 2019, Bernd Westphal took my continuation of Lehrieder's lottery prognostics a "quantum leap" further after a few hours of chatting at night.
Because after Lehrieder's "state of the art", which I published in English on AMAZON and KINDLE in 2020 at the same time as my autobiography in order to find English-speaking astrology colleagues for a lottery prediction team, Bernd-Westphal had shown me by way of example how it could be done much more easily. Previously, according to Lehrieder's method, the draw had to be compared with all 49 first-draw number horoscopes; Bernd, however, only needed the draw horoscope with the number assignments, which also apply to roulette and were successfully used in roulette by Cheiro (birth name William John Warner) and Heinrich Christian Meier-Parm, for example. This means that only a small fraction of the previous comparison and evaluation work is required. And in his example, even the order of the numbers drawn (by ascending orb) was correct. Unfortunately, we were unable to deepen our joint progress for health reasons and Bernd Westphal passed away after a hospital odyssey in mid-2022.
Our plan to continue researching Bernd's innovations and to publish them together in a second volume on lotto research could therefore unfortunately no longer be realized. However, I hope to inspire interested researchers and will report details and progress here on an ongoing basis.