
According to Taeger's bilingual four-volume horoscope encyclopedia, Werner Popp is one of the 150 best-known VIP astrologers in the world and one of just under a dozen so-called scientific astrologers (research astrologers and programmers).

For the second volume of a kind of "critical bible of astrologers" (Recent Advances of Natal Astrology) by two English-speaking researchers, Werner Popp was chosen as one of four German co-authors because he not only has profound astrological expertise, but also self-criticism and statistical-methodological knowledge with the ability to criticize.

In the book (In the Spirit of Enterprise from the ROLEX AWARDS) by a respected science journalist, Werner Popp and his astrological research project are named among the last hundred shortlisted by a panel of professors. The three winners received $50,000.

Studies by Prof. Eysenck and Prof. Gauquelin have shown that professional inclinations and, for example, extraversion and introversion, psychological instability vs. stability etc. correlate to a high degree with astrological factors in the birth chart. For example, strengths and weaknesses can be identified on the basis of the birth data.

Expert reports from the Federal Statistical Office and the University of Munich confirm that all the statistical methods used in the book "Die Akte Astrologie" by Gunter Sachs et al. were applied correctly. In a follow-up volume, Prof. Krämer and his team describe a wide range of further statistical evidence for astrology, including examples from the retired Prof. Schiemenz.

A verifiable example from the practice of the author Werner Popp:

The journalist from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Hans Riebsamen, wrote in his article from September 23, 1999 under the headline "The stars have not yet taken hold of you - a visit to a scientific astrologer": He wanted to find out about his near future and could not believe Popp that he would experience a positive change in the next two to five months, domestically and/or professionally. The journalist countered that in both cases he would already know for sure. A year later, however, he reported to Popp that he had in fact been unexpectedly promoted and moved house; he therefore wanted to apologize to Popp for his disbelief and write an even more positive article in the near future.